The Blue Knights Catholic Club is a boys’ club aimed at teaching the truths of the Catholic faith to boys through Scripture, saints’ biographies, games, crafts and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Based on the popular Little Flowers Girls’ Club, this program, developed by retired Marine, theologian and Catholic author, Dan McGuire, maps out nine virtues for boys ages 5 and up in the first year, and then follows up with four years covering nine catechetical lessons each.
The boys keep track of their progress by earning badges that form shields to proudly display on their crusader breastplates.
The Blue Knights Club at Saint Luke Parish is run by Deacon Phil Lawson with the help of the boys' parents. Meetings take place on the first Monday of each month and include a 15-minute catechetical lesson, a decade of the rosay, a game, a craft, and a snack all oriented toward their catechetical lesson.