The Knights of Columbus is a non-profit Catholic Fraternal Mens organization dedicated to serving the Catholic Church and its community. The order was founded in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut. Since that time the Knights of Columbus has spread throughout the world. The Knights of Columbus has one Supreme office which oversees all, however each community has its own council which aids and assists its community according to the bylaws of the order.
Here in Fairfax, our council has been serving our community for about 18 years. Our council currently has 60-70 members.
There are many ways in which we serve our community. One of the more noticeable is through our charitable deeds. Another is through our activities for the youth of our community. Some of the services we provide for our community include:
If you are interested in learning more about the Knights of Columbus, please contact one of the Knights listed below: